Friday, September 17, 2010

Can I get a Wat Wat?

Possibly one of the most magical ruins I've been to, and my camera officially craps out, which was ok. Some things are meant to be seen with raw eyes.

Vibol, my tuk tuk driver, had met me the night before in my guesthouse in a rather awkward setting. I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on the door. Assuming it's a friend, I wrap myself in a towel, prop my toothbrush inside my mouth and peak the door open. Two Cambodian men stand there straight, my face goes red and all I can think of is their customs and how inappropriate this must be. Vibol blushes, and tells me he's a friend of Melissa's (who is a friend of Chelsey's, whose recommended him to me). I immediately tell him to hold on, quietly close the door and rush to throw some clothes on and spit out my colgate. Yep, embarassing. Vibol and I made some arrangements for the following day.

Bright and early we tuk tuk our way to Angkor Wat. Overwhelming. Yes. I'm shocked that tourists are still climbing the sacred structures. It really is a magical place. A must see whilst it still stands.

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